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The First Announcement of ICME-12 has just been issued by the congress organizers and can be dowloaded from

Alexei L.

Following a series of discussions between the Executive Committees of ICMI and IMU, revised Terms of Reference for ICMI were formally adopted by the EC of IMU on December 31, 2009, while the ICMI E

The Comité Inter-Americano de Educación Matemática  (Inter-American Committee on Mathematical Education) is now officially affiliated to ICMI, thus being the first multi-national mathematical educa

The Study Volume resulting from the 17th ICMI Study has just appeared in the New ICMI Study Series (NISS):

Thailand, which was a member of ICMI since 1996, but not as a member of IMU, has just acquired the status of IMU Associate Member.  Information about the Thailand Ad

The International Programme Committee of the joint ICMI/ICIAM Study (ICMI Study 20) on Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry  (EIMI) announces that the deadline for submi

The Executive Committee of ICMI is pleased to announce the opening of the ICMI Digital Library.  This project aims at eventually making available freely online all the documents related to ICMI and

The international Design Team for the Klein Project, appointed jointly by IMU and ICMI in 2008, met recently.  A progress report has been prepared after

The ICMI Awards Committee is issuing a call for nominations of candidates for the 2009 Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Awards.

The symposium celebrating the ICMI Centennial, held in Rome in March 2008, has resulted in two publications.

The book of all the papers accepted for presentation at ICMI Study 19 conference, held on May 10-15, 2009, at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan, can now be downloaded from the Stu

ICMI and IMU have decided during 2008 the launching of the Klein Project, whose ambition is to revisit Felix Klein's seminal reflection on mathematical

Two volumes resulting from recent ICMI studies are now available.

Since the ICMI General Assembly held during ICME-11 in Monterrey, last July, a new country has become part of the ICMI family.  By acquiring the recently created status of "Associate member" of the

ICMI and ICIAM (the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) announce the launching of a joint Study (the 20th in the serie of ICMI Studies) on the theme